The Goals with
Soul Summit

The Goals with
Soul Summit

A free 3-day podcast event for high-achieving women ready to go from stressed and overwhelmed to focused and making progress toward your goals.

Learn bite-sized habits and mindset shifts to help you take courageous action to achieve your goals in a totally doable, sustainable way - no matter how busy you are or how little time you have for yourself.

Kate house &
the lbd Collective PRESENT

Kate house & the live by design Collective PRESENT

get your free ticket

july 22-24, 2024

get your free ticket

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to get the all the
conference details

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Watch this quick video
to get the all the
conference details

Watch this quick video to get the all the podcast summit details

Press play!

You have a tugging on your heart for something more, but you don't know where to start...

You have a tugging on your heart for something more, but you don't know where to start

You have a deep desire for change, but you feel selfish or guilty investing your time and finances into personal growth

You wrestle with perfectionism and feel like you have to do everything perfectly or not at all, and this keeps you stuck

You have big goals (or dreams of what you'd like your life to look like) but sometimes you wonder if you're worthy of them, or worry that you're not "enough"

You might fear what you’ll discover when you actually slow down long enough to really get to know yourself...
Will you recognize her? Will you like her? 





Does this sound like you, friend?

it’s time to set and actually achieve your goals at the goals with soul summit!

get your free ticket

You’re getting a lot of things right when it comes to goal setting - you're using a planner, love to read all the books, and tune into countless podcasts each week. You've got learning down to an art, and you've got big goals that you want to achieve. If only you had the time to make them happen. 

You know there's got to be a better way to actually make progress in achieving your goals without totally overhauling your entire life and without those all-too-common feelings of overwhelm.

What you really want is to move from surviving your day-to-day life to thriving and crushing your big, audacious goals. And you want to do all of this within small pockets of time throughout your day.

You can have all of these things.
And here's the best part, I got you.

You want to set goals, but don't know where to start

You want to set goals,
but don't know where to start

I have just what you need!

The Goals with Soul Summit was created to help you ditch overwhelm, get unstuck, and take action!

20+ experts over 3 days will teach you the strategies needed to align with your core values, shift your mindset, get crystal clear on your goals, and create a future-focused plan to make it happen.

If any of this sounds familiar,
you can't afford to miss the goals with soul summit!

get your free ticket

Meet your host,
Kate House

By day I'm a stay-at-home mama who's married to her college sweetheart and spends her days chasing two little boys (and two pup dogs!) around the countryside of Gettysburg, PA.

And by night I'm a Behavior Change Specialist, Certified Health Coach, Host of the top 2% show - The Live By Design Podcast, and creator of The LBD Collective - where women from all walks of life meet to learn, grow, reflect, and implement the habits that move them in the direction of their dreams one small step at a time.

I'm on a mission to encourage as many women as possible to live by design, and not by default through healthy habits, mindset work, self-love practices, through cultivating joy, and by practicing gratitude.

I'm so excited to share the Goals with Soul Summit with you, to bring together 20+ experts that love speaking to high-achieving women who want to learn about the power of habits, growth mindset, courageous action, goals setting, time management, and more - no matter how busy you may be. Grab your free ticket and join us!

hey, friend!

I can't wait
to see you there!

get your free ticket

The Goals With Soul Summit is shared via a podcast feed with 20+ episodes to binge as you go about your day - while driving, working out, folding your laundry, or hopping in the shower (I can't be the only one who does that!).

Each episode will be 20-25 minutes long, with the summit podcast feed dropping on Monday, July 22nd. Every episode will encourage you to transition from stressed and overwhelmed to action-oriented and making daily progress towards achieving your personal goals with soul.

Because I know I'm not the only busy lady who can't take three days out of her schedule to attend an in-person event. With this podcast summit, you can get all the inspiration and learning without the hassle of travel, missed work, or needing to hire a babysitter! 

The Details

July 22-24, 2024

Why a Virtual Summit


online access

You’ll also have access to a private Facebook group for attendees where we’ll be partying it up and working together to learn, reflect, and implement our personal take-aways! We'll also be hosting live events each day including panel discussions with our speakers, nightly Coaching Sessions (back by popular demand!) and so much more!

Party It Up

join the community

You’ll be able to win prizes by showing up and participating throughout the summit! Be sure to keep an eye out for your BINGO card and come hang out with us in the Facebook community for chances to win prizes including All Access Passes, the Pursue Your Purpose Masterclass, and more!



Everything you need to know!

After registering, you can also upgrade to gain access to the Goal Getter Power Pack. That means you'll get lifetime access to the summit podcast feed and tons of bonus resources and tools to help you make even faster progress toward achieving your goals. You won't want to miss it!

VIP Experience

upgrade your experience

There are a lot of summits, trainings, and workshops out there for high-achieving women who want to dream BIG and bring their goals to life. So what makes this one different?

Because you can tune into the summit while going about your regular day. No need to carve out hours to watch online teachings, get a babysitter, or rearrange your entire week. Just pop in your earbuds, press play, and listen in while you go about your day!

That's why you'll
tune in via a Podcast Feed

As a top 2% globally ranked podcaster, i've learned how to create impactful, actionable audio content 🎧

I get it. You're crunched for time!



Episodes with focused curriculum


Minutes each, for super bingeable content!




"I loved that this was meant to be stress-free.

As a Type A, I didn't feel pressure to attend more than I could or get more than I could implement. The format was just what I needed - flexible podcasts to enjoy throughout the day!”

- Jennifer

“I just have to say how amazing this summit is! This is the one of the first things like this I have fully participated in, and it and you are amazing.

It's so inspiring to see so many brave, knowledgeable and giving women.”


“This summit is so eye-opening. I learned so much information and feel ready to get started! Thank you so much for everything. You truly are a wonderful person, and I love your voice on the meditation. It's so calm and relaxing. Thanks again!”

- Nancy

"For anyone considering working with Kate, she is amazing!!

In the past 2 years, I have shifted my life from just surviving to fully leaning into LIVING my life.

She is truly so authentic and knowledgeable!”

- michele

Explore the 5-Step Path from Curious to Committed

Jessica Jackson

Discover Freedom and Design a Life You Love

Sara Mayer

Fuel Your Goals With Energy and Productivity (Without Deprivation!)

Jessika Brown, rd

Set Your Annual Intention: Your Compass for Soul-Aligned Goals

Kate House

Ali Sempek

Day 1: Soulful Vision

Let's reconnect with your core values, embrace your aspirations, and overcome self-doubt. Today you'll learn how to set a meaningful intention for the next 12 months that aligns with your authentic self.

Break Free from Societal Expectations & Embrace Your Authentic Self 

Emily Reuschel

Rewrite Your Inner Narrative & Shift Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

In Pursuit of Self Love and Emotional Intelligence

Katie Bramlett

How to Get Back on Track when Life Happens

Alicia Cohen

Make HUGE Progress Toward Your Goals in Only 15 Minutes a Day

Amber Curtis, PhD

From Burnout to Balance: Discover a Sustainable Goal-Getter Mindset

gabe cox

Move from From Intention to Action: Quarterly Planning for Soul-Aligned Success

Kate House

Tiffany Sauder

Day 2: Mindful Momentum

Today we'll start to transform overwhelm into clarity and lean into taking inspired action. We'll define success in your terms, set soul-aligned goals, and address the obstacles that might be holding you back - like perfectionism or people pleasing!

Master the Happy Life Mindset for Fulfilled Parenting

Lauren Magers

Overcome Guilt and Embrace a Life of 'And'

Mindset Shifts You Need to Create Consistent Fitness Routines and Find Personal Success

Megan Dahlman

How to Achieve Work-Life Harmony

Clara Capano

Morning Routines for Supermoms

Lori Whitney Oberbroeckling

Layer Wellness Habits into Everyday Life (Even if You're Busy!)

Jenn Trepeck

Progress Over Perfection: Lean Into Flexible Habit Formation

Monica Packer

Beyond the Checklist: Redefine Success for Soul-Aligned Living

Kate House

Anna Dearmon Kornick

Day 3: Empowered habits

Together let's embrace daily practices that nourish your soul and propel you toward your goals. We'll integrate mindfulness, cultivate positive habits, and celebrate the confident woman you are becoming along the way!

Achieve Your Goals with Sustainable & Empowering Habit Loops


Conquering Overwhelm with the 4 R's: Record, Rank, Remove, & Reschedule

Feeling Anxious or Irritated? Regulate Your Nervous System with These Techniques

Michelle Grosser 

Purposeful Pivots: Embrace Change and
Find New Paths to Passion

Dr. Jenny Nuccio

As you can see by that incredible lineup, 

you are not going to want to miss this event!


hot seat

And doing so alongside others who are choosing to end the year strong is powerful. That’s why we’ll have live, interactive events on Thursday, July 25th to take your summit experience to the next level!

Tuning into actionable podcast episodes is great, but to create real change you’ll have to take action!

Start your day by slowing down, tuning into yourself, and allow me to guide you to deeper connection with your intuition

Get the opportunity to submit questions about your goals with soul (or anywhere you're feeling stuck!), and then come on live to chat through them with me!

Learn about The Live By Design Blueprint and become the architect of your extraordinary life. You'll also hear more about the Live By Design Collective after the training!

These sessions have been designed to take what you’ll learn throughout the week and get you taking action toward achieving your own personal goals with soul!

It's          to...

Stop over-thinking

implement small, sustainable habits

Release perfectionism

shift your mindset towards growth

ditch the overwhelm

take action to achieve your goals


"I've learned that I'm not alone in my pursuit of living with intention."

I now prioritize my personal growth and I'm actively working towards accomplishing my big goals and dreams! I even have healthy habits and routines on auto-pilot now, which is exciting!


found community

Here is what's possible when you develop sustainable habits that support your goals:

"Knowing that Kate would put her heart, mind, and soul into this made it a no-brainer for me to join."

My biggest "aha moment" is that I am the only one who can change my situation (as scary as that is sometimes!). And I'm reminded that tomorrow is always another chance to try again. Progress, not perfection, even if we sometimes move backward a bit before shooting forward!


took courageous action

"I've been growing so much!"

It's not that this community of women are super stars. We're normal people who are prioritizing themselves again. We're making the time for personal growth, are doing the inner work, and are thinking about the same intentional living topics. And the growth is profound!


prioritized herself again

Hop into the Future-Self Visualization as soon as you register!

Because I love supporting you in gaining focus and clarity around your Goals with Soul, you'll gain immediate access to the Future Self Visualization guided meditation and journal prompts after registering so you can dive into self-discovery and empowerment right away!

But wait, there's more...


Frequently asked questions

You've got questions,
I've got answers!

Is this only for women with a deep desire for change?

It sure is! There are a lot of offerings out there for goal setting, but this one has been created specifically for high-achieving women who feel overwhelmed by the busyness of their lives and desire clarity, focus, and an action plan going forward. 

When is the summit held?

The summit runs from July 22-24, 2024. We'll kick off on Sunday, July 21st with a live Kick Off Call, and the podcast feed begins sharing new episodes on Monday, July 22nd. The Facebook community will be available right when you get your ticket!

How long will the podcast feed be available?

Episode will be available for free for 24 hours. However, you can grab the Goal Getter Power Pack to get ongoing access to the podcast feed to take advantage of self-paced learning plus tons of bonus resources and tools to help you make even faster progress towards achieving your goals. You won't want to miss it!

Will all the speakers get my email address?

The only person you'll receive emails from is me, so I can keep you updated with all the details you need about the Goals with Soul Summit and share additional information along the way. You can unsubscribe at anytime, and you can learn more in our Privacy Policy.

Our incredible speakers have free resources that will be made available to you throughout the summit, which you have the option to opt into. In doing so, you'll be providing that specific speaker with your email address.

Are the presentations live?

To avoid tech glitches, save my sanity, and keep things easy for the speakers, the podcast episodes are pre-recorded and will be released on their scheduled date. But we'll be hosting LIVE sessions throughout the summit including daily panel discussions with our speakers and evening Coaching Sessions where you can take what you've learned and apply it as you set your own personal goals with soul!

Are you still accepting speakers?

All of our speakers for this summit have been hand-picked and our slots are currently full. However, we're open to additional affiliates or potential speakers for November's summit. If you're interested in affiliate details or being considered for our fall 2024 summit, email!

I still have questions!

No problem! Shoot an email over to and we'll get back to you within 3 business days.

Is the summit easy to attend?

Absolutely! With your free ticket you gain access to the podcast episodes for a full 24 hours the day they're dropped. After registering you'll also have the option to grab our Goal Getter Power Pack to jump-start your goal-getting endeavors with over $1,400 worth of bonus resources and courses contributed by our world-class lineup of speakers PLUS get lifetime access to the summit podcast episodes so you can tune in or relisten to your favorite episodes anytime!

Grab your free ticket to the Goals with Soul Summit and be well on your way to implement practical, bite-sized habits and mindset shifts that move you from feeling stressed and overwhelmed to focused and action-oriented so you can achieve your goals in a totally doable, sustainable way!

Get your free ticket!


Take courageous action at the
Goals with Soul Summit!
Thank you for joining us!