The Live By Design Collective

Where intentional living meets transformative action!

At the heart of our community is a commitment to helping you break free from all-or-nothing thinking and embrace a mindset of growth. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we guide you to cultivate daily self-care practices aligned with your goals. The Collective is not about perfection; it's about embracing imperfect action, valuing consistent effort, and releasing the fear of failure, once and for all!



You're a perfect fit for the Live By Design Collective if you've been juggling life's demands, putting yourself on the back burner, and sensing that burnout is knocking at your door. It's high time to shift things around because, let's face it, we've got two front burners for a reason, right?! Let's nudge those other responsibilities to one side and carve out the time, space, and energy you deserve to invest in yourself!

Then you're in the right place! The 1-on-1 Coaching Accelerator will provide you with the education, inspiration, action plans, and unparalleled support to live by design and not by default!

You're the right fit for the 1-on-1 Coaching Accelerator if you've been putting yourself and your needs on the back burner, you're feeling burnt out, and you know that it's finally time that you do something about it. After all, we have two front burners for a reason, amiright?! So let's scooch your other responsibilities to one side and create the time, space, and energy to invest in yourself again!

Then you're in the right place! The 1-on-1 Coaching Accelerator will provide you with the education, inspiration, action plans, and unparalleled support to live by design and not by default!

Before we dive into the details, let's make sure it's a perfect match for you!

It's time to be the architect of your extraordinary life!

ready to go?!

If you feel exhausted, drained, and unsure of where to start...

If you're tapped out energetically and have no bandwidth for yourself...

If you feel selfish taking time for self-care...

If you are ready to nurture your mind, energize your body, and awaken your soul...

Ditch all-or-nothing thinking and the ways it keeps you feeling stuck

How does this sound?

Cultivate a growth mindset and embrace abundance



through your experience in the live by design collective, you'll learn how to:

Create daily self care practices that support your goals & desires


Embrace progress not perfection, because perfect doesn't exist!


Value consistent effort over time, because it's the "secret" to success


Release the fear of failure and proceed with curiosity and self-kindness


How has the Collective positively impacted your life?

“I really look forward to coaching calls and journaling sessions. The women in the group are all so amazing. It is easy to be myself amongst everyone and the accountability of showing up for myself feels great!”


Real talk
i believe in you. let's do this, together!

$47 / month

I want in!

month-to-month memembership

$235 / six months

let's do this!

6 month

$425 / year

i love a deal!

12 month memembership

get 3 months free!!

get 1 month free!

"I am so much more aware of my mindset and its impact on living in alignment with my goals."

My nightly routine is on auto pilot now. I have learned to lean into my journaling more and I feel much more confident that I am not alone in my pursuit of living a life of design and not default!


embraces growth

"I get daily reminders that I need to live every day by design, and not by default."

Between coaching, The Live By Design Podcast, and Kate's leadership in the LBD collective, I get daily reminders that I need to live every day by design, and not by default. Just by the fact that she is spreading her knowledge far and wide on many different mediums, Kate is always on my mind and in my ear helping me to try to live my best life full of intention and gratitude.


lives intentionally

"I like having the intentional time and space to work on myself and personal goals!"

Our coaching sessions have helped me to prioritize my personal growth and to not give up on working towards my big goals and dreams.


makes consistent process

What our members are saying...

The Live By Design Collective

Everything you need to know!

We meet the first Monday evening of each month for an Empowerment Coaching Session—this is where the magic truly unfolds! Our sessions kick off with a short and centering meditation, followed by the joy of sharing what's "New and Good" in our lives. Then spotlight then turns to Kate, our guide in the world of intentional living, as she teaches on a specific personal growth topic.

We end by sharing of personal insights and those delightful "aha" moments. It's a community-driven experience you won't want to miss! Every session includes curated worksheets and affirmations to help you learn, reflect on, and implement what you’re learning.

Meet with us on the third Monday of the month to reflect on our month's topic through self-reflective journaling practices. 

Journaling and meditation are powerful practices that cultivate mindfulness, allowing you to quiet the noise of the external world and turn your attention inward. These practices work hand in hand, creating a harmonious synergy that helps you connect with your inner self, reduce anxiety, and foster a sense of calm in the midst of life's chaos.

Empowerment Coaching Calls

Journaling Sessions

feature 1

Feature 2

With Kate's exclusive office hours, you're not just a participant; you're a valued collaborator in your own success story!

With our monthly office hours, you can sit down with Kate and your fellow Collective members, share your ideas, and brainstorm strategies tailored to your unique journey. These sessions aren't just about reporting in on your focus areas; they're about forging a connection and being held lovingly accountable to your goals. It's like having a supportive ally in your corner, ensuring that your aspirations not only stay on track but flourish.

Office Hours

Feature 4

Picture this: once a month, you get to hit the pause button on life's hustle and bustle. It's your dedicated time to reflect on the recent weeks, allowing you to gain clarity on where you've been and where you're headed. In this cozy moment, we guide you to identify how you want to feel, laying the groundwork for intentional living. Together, we weave meaningful habits into your days, creating a tapestry of positive change in both your routine and your life. It's not just a monthly ritual; it's a journey of self-discovery and intentional transformation. 

Habit Planning

Feature 3

Life can be a bit unpredictable, and we get that! That's why all our live sessions are not only a real-time experience but a lasting resource tailored to your schedule. Missed a session? No worries! We've got you covered. Every live session is recorded and available in both video format and on our exclusive Live By Design Collective private podcast feed. Whether you prefer to watch, listen, or revisit the highlights, the choice is yours. This ensures that the invaluable insights, transformative coaching, and community magic are accessible whenever and wherever you are!

Private Podcourse

Feature 5

Welcome to our exclusive haven within the digital landscape – our private, members-only Facebook group!

Here, accountability, support, and connection come together in one special space. We're a group of like-minded individuals all on a journey towards intentional living, who gather to share triumphs, troubleshoot challenges, and cheer each other on. This isn't just a group; it's your personal powerhouse of motivation and camaraderie. 

Exclusive Facebook Group

Feature 6

Imagine having a library at your fingertips where each resource is a key to unlocking a new level of intentional living. From expert-led masterclasses to soul-nourishing journaling sessions, every element is crafted to elevate your journey. With full access, you're not just getting information; you're gaining a toolkit designed to nurture your mind, energize your body, and awaken your soul. 

Education Library

Feature 7

The Live By Design Collective is valued at over $2,300, and it's available to you for just a fraction of the cost!


valued at $97

valued at $97

valued at $47

valued at $47

valued at $37

valued at $67

valued at over $2,000

what do you say, friend?
let's do this, together!

$47 / month

I want in!

month-to-month memembership

$235 / six months

let's do this!

6 month

$425 / year

i love a deal!

12 month memembership

get 3 months free!!

get 1 month free!


$47 / month

I want in!

month-to-month memembership

$235 / six months

let's do this!

6 month

$425 / year

i love a deal!

12 month memembership

get 3 months free!!

get 1 month free!

Inside the Live By Design Collective you get...

Through your monthly coaching calls, journaling sessions, office hours, and habit planning parties you'll have ample opportunity for support from Kate in addition to our community of growth-oriented women!

group support

Say goodbye to personal growth overwhelm! We choose just one area of focus each month, and then we take a deep dive into learning, reflection, and implementing your biggest takeaways via goal-aligned habits!

Self-paced education

During every coaching call and journaling session, we begin with a brief centering meditation that's in alignment with that month's theme, in addition to journal prompts to take your self-reflection practices to the next level.

mindfulness practices

While you're an active member of the Live By Design Collective, you'll have full access to all current and past resources and materials inside of the Collective Course and on the private podcast feed to revisit anytime you desire!

on-going access

that's over $2,300 in value!

How is the Live By Design Collective different from a digital course?

That's a great question! What makes the Collective so special is YOU and our community of growth-oriented women. You are wanted, needed, and welcome here - and your story and experience matters. As my dad would say, "The whole is stronger than the sum of its parts," and that's absolutely true here!

How do I access the membership content?

You'll have full access to the Collective library upon beginning your membership, and once logged in you can download a PDF copy of all past presentations and their supporting documents within each module too! You can also watch calls in the Collective library or tune in via the private podcast feed.

Why should I trust you to guide me on my person growth journey?

Not only do I talk-the-talk, but I walk-the-walk too! Growth, habits, mindset, neuroplasticity, you name it...this is what I geek out about and LOVE learning and teaching. I always say that I get to learn right alongside you in the Collective, and that's absolutely true. I'm right here doing the inner work with you.

I'm best known for being a holistic health coach, behavior change specialist, top 2% global podcaster, and likely the happiest person you'll ever know, and I'm here to serve as your coach, guide, and #1 cheerleader each step of the way!

What if I need or want to pause or cancel my membership?

We believe in a hassle-free membership experience, and for that reason you can cancel your membership at anytime prior to your next payment through your membership portal at If you need to pause your membership, send us an email at and we'll take care of the rest!


I still have questions!

No problem! Shoot an email over to and we'll get back to you ASAP!

What are your Privacy and Terms?

Our full Privacy and Terms and Conditions are available here, but here's the Cliffs Notes version!

The Live By Design Co. and Kate House can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results with the information, tools, education, and coaching provided to you. All products and services with our company are for educational and information purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our website, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results. We do not offer medical or mental health advice. Use caution and always consult your doctor before acting on any of this information related to lifestyle changes, health, fitness, wellness, or mental health. You are responsible for your decisions and actions. We will not be held liable under any circumstances for your actions or results. 

you should join the live by design collective if you're motivated by any of the following:

If you're thinking, "this sounds amazing, but I'm still not 100% sure" keep reading...

Remember that your journey is yours alone. Embrace your starting point as a beautiful place of potential and growth! And never underestimate the power of small, consistent effort over time to create monumental transformation.

You're ready to own your journey

You want to ditch the self-care guilt for good

You're totally over feeling selfish for taking time for yourself. Instead, you're ready to nurture your own growth, create a strong foundation of self love, and release any lingering guilt you may hold!

You feel it's time to embrace imperfect action!

Action creates clarity, but if you're waiting for circumstances to be "perfect" you'll never begin. Let's take imperfect action instead. Empowerment comes from within, and investing in yourself is a declaration of your self-worth!

The Collective Isn't Magic...

But it is a powerful way for you to invest in yourself and develop the tools and skills necessary to live by design, and not by default, long after our time together has come to a close!

If there's one thing I've learned on my intentional living journey, it's that living by design, not by default, has transformed my life in ways I could have never imagined.

It's brought me boundless abundance, fulfillment, and a personal sense of purpose. It provides me with the opportunity to reflect, grow, change, adapt, stumble, gain clarity, and try again! And now, my greatest passion is to extend this transformative journey to you.

My mission is simple: to support as many women as possible in realizing their dreams and crafting a life that resonates with their deepest desires. I believe in the power of The Live By Design Blueprint and your ability to be the architect of your extraordinary life through your inner work, community connection, and the loving accountability found inside of the Live By Design Collective.

I can't wait to meet you, teach you, coach you, and cheer you on each step of the way inside of the Live By Design Collective!

In gratitude,

we can't wait to welcome you to the live by design collective's sisterhood!

$47 / month

I want in!

month-to-month memembership

$235 / six months

let's do this!

6 month

$425 / year

i love a deal!

12 month memembership

get 3 months free!!

get 1 month free!


$47 / month

I want in!

month-to-month memembership

$235 / six months

let's do this!

6 month

$425 / year

i love a deal!

12 month memembership

get 3 months free!!

get 1 month free!

“I love learning and growing my self-awareness! I continue my growth journey through our journaling sessions especially, and I appreciate the accountability that comes with our monthly check-ins. Even when life gets busy, the LBD Collective holds me lovingly accountable to working on my health habits and goals.”

- Sheila

“I really keep coming back to having peace amidst change and fluctuations. I recently started to surrender to the unknown a bit more and it always makes me feel peace to just be in this moment because the past and future aren't tangible now. The peace you hold into is the gateway to the happy. This is my journaling from Discovery Night. One of my many takeaways 🤗”

- Jen

"My biggest takeaway is probably seeing that everyone else is going through the same struggles that I am, and that I’m not alone. And that tomorrow is always another chance to try again. Progress, not perfection, even if we sometimes move backward a bit before shooting forward!”

- lyndsey