I don’t know about you, but I love reading, listening to audiobooks, and tuning into podcasts. I feel like they’re opportunities to learn, and I love learning (the smell of new school supplies makes me totally geek out).
In the last few years I’ve gotten really into listening to podcasts because after all, they’re free opportunities to fill my earbuds with topics I love. One show I’ve enjoyed is Harry Potter and the Sacred Text. As someone who read Harry Potter growing up, and listened to all seven books when nursing my son in the wee hours of the morning (if you haven’t listened, do it now – Jim Dale narrates and he’s amazing), it’s safe to say I’m a big fan. So when a friend recommended this podcast I was game to give it a go.
Throughout the episodes, the hosts read Harry Potter as if it were a sacred text, and each week they select a theme through which to read the chapter: friendship, fear, generosity, etc. One week they were discussing Ron Weasley, and they said that his character is “recklessly brave.” And there was something about that coin of phrase that really stuck with me.
So here I am, writing my first blog post of what I hope to become many, being recklessly brave. Starting a business, following my passions, and dreaming big. So if you want to flex your bravery muscles with me, let’s do this.