The Live By Design Podcast

Live a Vibrant, Impact-Filled Life By Doing THIS Soulwork featuring Dr. Jenny Nuccio

May 16, 2024

We’ll explore practical strategies for living with intention and delve into ‘soul work’—aka aligning your actions with core beliefs to create meaningful change. Jenny’s insights will help you avoid burnout and make confident, value-driven decisions.

I'm KAte!

I believe in cultivating joy, practicing gratitude, and prioritizing your own self care and wellness routines, so that you can love those closest to you the best you possibly can!


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Welcome to the Live By Design Podcast where I help high-achieving women who struggle with finding time for themselves, set, track, and execute their personal growth journey with confidence and clarity.

Today, we’re diving into the heart of aligning our lives with our core values with our incredible special guest, Dr. Jenny Nuccio, who’s the founder and CEO of Imani Collective — a social enterprise + holistic women’s empowerment program in Mombasa, Kenya, who are committed to breaking generational poverty.

A self-proclaimed “all in” kind of woman, Jenny’s mission for her life as well as Imani Collective is to unleash a woman’s greatness through empowerment + opportunity. Her desire is to see women rise to their fullest potential, stepping into whom they were created to be.

We’ll explore practical strategies for living with intention and delve into ‘soul work’—aka aligning your actions with core beliefs to create meaningful change. Jenny’s insights will help you avoid burnout and make confident, value-driven decisions.

I’m so here for that!

So pop in those earbuds, tune out the noise, and get ready to infuse your life with something Jenny loves – and that’s moxie. Let’s do this!

Connect with Jenny:

✍ Take the Complimentary Self Care Audit

🚗 Test-drive the Live By Design Collective, and hop into our free Masterclass on Overwhelming Overwhelm so you can experience what it’s like to be one of us for yourself! ➡ Access the Masterclass Here

💌 Connect via email at
📷 Send a DM or voice memo @mskatehouse on Instagram

Ready to work together? I’m here to serve as your Empowerment Coach!

1️⃣ In community inside of the Live By Design Collective

2️⃣ Through one-on-one Empowerment Coaching

3️⃣ Inside of the self-paced Pursue Your Purpose Masterclass

4️⃣ Or by tuning in to either of my free virtual summits:
➡️The Goals with Soul Summit:
➡️The Empowered Self Summit:

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I'm Kate, your #1 hype girl.

I wear many hats, but my favorites are health coach, podcast host, educator, runner, meditation junkie, mama x2, and wife to my college sweetheart. Living my most intentional, joy-filled life in the PA Countryside. 

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Do you know what? I believe in you. I believe that you are worthy of the time, commitment, and energy it takes to design a life you love. And I know you're capable of bringing your biggest, most beautiful dreams to fruition.

We're given this one incredible life, and I believe you were meant to live with purpose and joy. And that starts with caring for yourself first and choosing to live by design. Join the LBD Collective to start today!

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Health Coach. Podcast Host.
Educator. Wife & Mama x2. 
Living By Design, Not Default.


Kate House

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Health Coach. Podcast Host. Educator. Wife & Mama x2.
Living By Design, Not Default.

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