Do you have a hero? Someone real or fictional from whom you can draw strength, inspiration, and confidence when you need it most? Well I sure as heck do, and it’s none other than Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman. Tune in to find out why she’s my hero and the simple item I wear every single day to remind me to embody her courageous attitude.
So grab a cup of coffee, and let’s jump right in!
So, Who’s My Hero?
Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman!
“A hero is a real person or a main fictional character who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, courage or strength. Like other formerly solely gender-specific terms, hero is often used to refer to any gender, though heroine only refers to female.” – Wikipedia
The first time I watched Gal Gadot’s performance as Wonder Woman, I cried. Many times. I found it powerful to watch an army of strong, empowered, female warriors defend their land and each other. Then throughout the movie, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman proves to be a hero, time and time again, and certainly isn’t the trope of a woman needing a knight, a man, a defender, or a super hero to save her.
While I’m certainly no super hero knowledge buff, there is something special about this character. Diana (aka Wonder Woman) is resilient, strong as all get out (I mean, she lifts a tank over her head…just saying!), and she’s dogged in her pursuits. And while real life heroes are certainly important to have, I appreciate having Wonder Woman to draw on when I need inspiration to be my best.
I’m absa-freaking-lutely a feminist, and that’s certainly another reason I enjoy this movie and Gal Gadot’s rendition of Wonder Woman in particular. Of course, there’s a myriad of articles that’ll argue the point of the movie’s feminist agenda both directions, but I enjoyed Zoe Willimas’ take from The Guardian the best. She says:

How Do You Inspire Yourself?
One way I like to remind myself to keep reaching for excellence, is through implementing visual cues throughout my day. One way I do that with Wonder Woman specifically is through a ring I wear every day. And no, this definitely isn’t a sponsored post, but when I heard Zales had come out with a Wonder Woman Collection I was totally there!
So I wear this simple ring, inspired by Diana’s tiara in what I like to think of as an art deco-inspired piece, and when I glance down at it throughout the day I remember the confidence she exudes and try to embody that myself as much as possible.
I’m curious, is there anything like that you’ve layered into your own day? If so, let me know! For reals, I read every email that comes into this account, and I’d love to chat with you, friend.
Joyful Corner
This week I’m grateful for having gotten to see both of my parents for the first time since January. I had no idea when I hugged them goodbye in Florida after Rachel Hollis’ Rise Conference in Ft Myers, FL that I wouldn’t see them again for ten months. Holy heck, that’s entirely too long! They’ve been hugely helpful in helping us execute our move during a pandemic with two toddlers in tow. Honestly, we couldn’t do it without them.
My other joyful item is a family tree my Grammy shared with me. It goes all the way back to the late 1700’s and even included a special little surprise in it for me related to my son’s middle name. Tune into the episode to find out just what it is!
And finally, I’m grateful for all of you helping the podcast reach the 1,000 download milestone!! This podcast has been on my heart to host and produce for a long time, and hearing how it’s resonating with you brings my heart infinite joy. Thank you, thank you.

Joyful Corner Listener Voicemail
And a big thank you this week to Mel from Bucks County, PA for being our Joyful Corner Listener Voicemail! I cannot tell you how grateful I am that the first week of high school Mel and I sat near each other in Mr. Fretter’s Biology class. Mel brought me into her circle of friends, most of whom are still among my closest friends, and we’ve been BFFs ever since.
This week she’s grateful for a special Halloween with her sweet family, despite the pandemic and all the changes to the holiday season (but seriously, how amazing is her costume?!). Thank you for reminding us to love these special moments with family, Mel, even when it’s not what we’d originally hoped for. Such a great reminder and perspective!