Your Keto Crash Course is here!

My incredible cousin, Jamie Hill, is back on the podcast. After her past couple of podcast episodes I have gotten questions from our community about one of Jamie’s favorite passions - ketones - and requests for a crash course on all things PTKs!

So, you will want to join Jamie and I as we talk about:

  • What are Ketones?
  • What is ketosis and how it benefits you
  • What are PTKs, why you want to drink them and what the benefits are
  • What kind of diet / lifestyle could you follow while drinking ketones
  • What is intermittent fasting and its benefits
  • And how you can get started on ketones today

Friend, pop in those ear buds and listen in on how drinking ketones has helped Jamie and I with increased energy, elevated moods, better skin, helped with postpartum hair loss, better focus, fat loss, and so much more.
Tune In here

What are ketones?

Request your trial

Ready to drink ketones too? Grab your trial here!

I've personally experienced huge benefits from adding ketones to my routine, and below are my favorites!

  • Increased mood
  • Healthier skin
  • Stronger hair
  • Better focus
  • Fat loss
  • Appetite suppressed
  • Mental clarity 

What are the benefits of drinking ketones?

Ready to drink ketones too? Grab your trial here!

I've personally experienced huge benefits from adding ketones to my routine, and below are my favorites!

  • Increased mood
  • Healthier skin
  • Stronger hair
  • Better focus
  • Fat loss
  • Appetite suppressed
  • Mental clarity 

What are the benefits of drinking ketones?

Reflections on the growth and changes over the past year.

a season of growth with jamie hill

What do you do when you realize it's time for a change? Start!

when enough was enough with jamie hill

Everything you need to know to be successful while drinking ketones.

Ketones crash course

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Ready to lean into your health & wellness?

Then The Live By Design Podcast was created with you in mind, dear friend! As a holistic health coach, Kate's committed to sharing how to live an intentional, health-filled life, and would love to welcome you to our listening community!