The Live By Design Podcast

Loving Yourself Exactly as You Are – Right Here, Right Now – with Amber Brueseke, RN, of Biceps After Babies Radio

March 14, 2022

What if you released all-or-nothing thinking and instead approached your goals with self-love in mind?

I'm KAte!

I believe in cultivating joy, practicing gratitude, and prioritizing your own self care and wellness routines, so that you can love those closest to you the best you possibly can!


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I am beyond excited to welcome Amber Brueseke of Biceps After Babies Radio to the show! I’ve been a big fan of Amber’s for a while now, so sitting down with her for this conversation is such a fun experience for me, and I know it will be for you as well!

Today, Amber shares with us the process of releasing black-and-white thinking when it comes to our bodies, nutrition, and fitness. The idea of, “If I can’t get my full workout in today, then I’ll just skip it.” Or, we either love our body or we hate it. But what if you love your body exactly how it is right now and still give yourself permission to work towards longer-term health and wellness goals? 

And then Amber and I chat about one of my all-time favorite topics – goals! Specifically, how and why to celebrate both the small and big achievements along this journey called life.

Are you ready to show up and love yourself exactly as you are? Then join us as Amber answers the question of what you can do to show up and love just as you are – right here, right now.

Have you joined The Live By Design Collective?

The Live By Design Collective is the LBD Co Club! It just rolls off the tongue a little easier!

What can you expect from the LBD Collective?

  • Actively cultivate self-love and prioritize your personal care
  • Celebrate who you are right now
  • Learn to trust yourself more
  • Connect more deeply with yourself, your inner knowing, and your intuition
  • Believe in yourself more through greater clarity, confidence, and action taking
  • Lean into your dreams, goals, and habits
  • Be a part of a group of women who are just so dang supportive of each other

Ready to live 2022 with intention? Then The Live By Design Co Club was made just for you!

Meet Amber

Amber Brueseke is a Registered Nurse, online fitness coach, wife, and mom of 4. Her business Biceps After Babies and her podcast Biceps After Babies Radio focuses on empowering women to achieve by equipping them with the tools to work for the body they want, while loving the body they have. She is a goal-setting girl boss who can’t imagine a world without chocolate and peanut butter (combined, preferably) and who firmly believes in moderation in life, food, and training.

Connect with Amber

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Kate’s Joyful Corner

This week I am incredibly grateful for my family. I’ve recently returned home from a two week trip to Naples, Florida, which is such a nice break from the long and cold winters here in Gettysburg, PA!

My Mom, Dad, Grammy, brother, and both of my sisters all live down in Florida. So when we need a dose of sunshine and outdoor time, I pack my boys up, drive 1,000 miles and end up at my Dad’s place in Naples.

I’m also so grateful for my mom. It’s hard driving all that way alone, so my mom flew to PA, I then picked her up from the airport, and we immediately started driving south to Florida. She literally didn’t even get to see anything because we left straight from the airport!

On this trip my boys got to spend so much time with my 91 year old Grammy, and that was such a special time for us. She has this walker and my boys love to sit on the seat and she will push them around the house on it and it’s heart-warming and magical to behold! It brings me so much love and joy to see them together. My youngest really connected with my Grammy on this trip, and it just warmed my heart to see them together.

And we had an amazing trip with family to Disney World on our way home! And while I was in Florida, my husband stayed home to take care of our dog and he totally crushed a work goal that he had. He studied his butt off while we were gone, and now has a new certification to be proud of!  So I’m really grateful for him for investing in himself, his career, and how he loves and provides for our little family.

And so this week I’m just really grateful for this amazing family of mine.


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I'm Kate, your #1 hype girl.

I wear many hats, but my favorites are health coach, podcast host, educator, runner, meditation junkie, mama x2, and wife to my college sweetheart. Living my most intentional, joy-filled life in the PA Countryside. 

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