Twenty years ago, Stacey Shifflett unknowingly shared her final conversation with her dad. Later that day he was lost to suicide, and it’s this loss that marks the beginning of her journey to becoming the strong, fearless, and empowered woman that she is today.
In today’s episode Stacey shares with us the tragic story of her father’s passing, and how the experience of losing him is why she needs to live ridiculously out loud, why she stopped following the crowd and became the leader and hero of her own story, and how her Dad is still serving and loving her daily.
Stacey shares with us the gifts she learned from her dad’s suicide:
- The gift of choice
- How she changed the narrative on anxiety and depression and now views it as an opportunity to connect with herself
- How listening to her intuition brought about her own hair salon which has led her to reaching financial goals
- The gift of taking chances
- The ability to look at challenges as a gift and not a curse
- The desire to Live Intentionally
Stacey also shares with us how she has gotten clear on her own vision and life:
- Mental wellness with 13 years of weekly therapy
- Physical wellness with daily workouts
- Personal development
- Reading her “Why” statement daily
- Being intentional in the work she is doing
So friend, join us on the podcast today while Stacey talks about the many gifts she has learned from her Dad, how she does everything in her life with intention, how she is no longer crippled by her father’s suicide, and how she is living out loud to honor his memory.
**This episode discusses the suicide of someone close to today’s guest and how that experience has shaped who she is today. If the topic of suicide is disturbing to you, then today’s episode may not be the best fit for you at this time.
If you or someone you know is suicidal, please, contact your physician, go to your local ER, or call the suicide prevention hotline in your country.
For the United States, the numbers are as follows:
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255), or message the Crisis Text Line at 741741. Both programs provide free, confidential support 24/7.

Meet Stacey
Stacey Shifflett calls herself The Fit Stylist and helps others be the leader of their own life. Stacey is the founder of Believe Nation and the owner of the Truly Inspired Hair Studio.
Stacey’s goal in the future is to start an annual walk for suicide prevention to honor her Dad and to give back financially to her community.
If you would like to connect with Stacey you can find her here:
Instagram at Stacey Shifflett | Instagram at Truly Inspired Hair Studio | Facebook at Stacey Grabner Shifflett
Joyful Corner
This week in Joyful Corner I talked about completing adult-type paperwork. And while you wouldn’t normally think of this as Joyful it does fill me with joy to know that my family is taken care of.
My husband and I completed our living wills, last will and testaments, powers of attorney and future planning for our children should we not be around to care for them. We reached out to dear friends and asked them to be the godparents to our kids. And I’m deeply grateful to them for saying yes, and knowing they will love and care for our babies should we not be around to do so ourselves.
If I want to live by design, then I also want to ensure that I’m proactively caring for those that are most important to me in the world.
So, thanks to Legal Zoom we completed, signed, and notarized all the necessary paperwork. And while this is not an AD they made it very easy for us to complete all of the needed paperwork and now I can put this out of my mind because I know should the worst happen, everyone’s cared for from a place of preparedness and love.

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